



Hi, everyone!!  I’m Mina Fukuyama from New Zealand.  I attend Pompallier Catholic College as a Year 10 student.  Nearly seven months have passed since I came here. I can’t believe that I have already been here for seven months!!  I’m really enjoying my NZ life.  Today I’d like to share some things about my NZ life with you.


I’m living in Whangarei, which is near the top of New Zealand.  Around my house spreads big and beautiful farmland.  There are a lot of animals such as cattle, horses, chickens, pigs…  Also my host family breeds some animals and my favorite are the calves.  My host family have five calves and they often go to calves to give them milk.  One day I helped them.  These calves always really want to drink milk quickly. However, the milk hadn’t been prepared yet, so I had to put my hand in their mouth.  I was afraid of it at first, because I had hated animals before I came here, but I tried it with a lot of courage!!  They were sucking my hand as they suck their mother’s breast.


Moreover my host family has two big dogs and three cats, too.  They are very curious pets.  They often pick up dead animals and bring them into my house.  I have seen them holding the dead animals in their mouths many times.  Can you believe that???  Through these experiences, I’ve come to like animals more than ever.  I can touch all animals now, of course.  What’s more, even if I am licked by animals, that’s fine!!!  These experiences were so good for me.  If I tell that to people who know that I hated animals, they will definitely be surprised!


Next, I’m going to tell you about my school life.  I’m a member of Year 10.  My classmates are younger than me (they are 14 or 15).  I couldn’t get along with them for the first two weeks.  It was because I couldn’t understand what they said.  To be honest, I didn’t want to go school.  I spent the lunch time crying with Saya, who is the other student from Jin-ai.  It was really painful that I had to go to school.  


After term 1, however, I made new friends!!  Now I spend time with three Kiwi friends and a girl who moved to NZ four months ago from England.  They are interested in Japanese and Japanese anime!!  They often ask me to write my favorite Chinese characters or Japanese letters on their legs with a pen.  When I write their names on their legs, they really like it all the time.  Moreover they give me a big hug when we see each other at school.  I’m really glad that I was able to meet them during my study abroad!


At the beginning of July, I talked with my classmates through Zoom because the April camp, which was to be held in April, was cancelled because of Coronavirus.  Also our teacher couldn’t come to NZ for an inspection in March.  So, she gave us an opportunity to talk to each other.  I asked my classmates for advice about my concern of how to improve my English.  Some of them gave me good advice.  Following their advice, I’ve started to write my journal every day and read ‘Read Theory”, which is the website to read English passages.  Although we talked only for a short time, I spent a wonderful time with them.  This opportunity was helpful for me.


There are so many things that I want to share with you, but I can’t write all of them. For the last seven months, I have had not only fun times but also hard times.  Whenever I faced problems, I solved them by myself.  I should never give up at this moment.  To my surprise, I have only another three months to study here.  I will keep challenging myself and I want to improve my English more.


Finally, I’m grateful to my parents and teachers who have supported my experience of studying abroad.  I have gained a lot of precious experiences and I have done my best so I will have grown a lot and become a more mature person in November.  I am really looking forward to seeing everyone in November.  Thank you for reading!!!


Lots of Love

Mina Fukuyama












7月の上旬にZOOMを使ってクラスメイトと話をしました。4月に実施される予定だったエイプリルキャンプがコロナウイルスの影響で中止になりました。また、3月に担任の先生が視察に来ることもできなかったので、先生がお互いに話す機会を与えてくださったのです。そこで私は自分の悩んでいること(どうしたら英語力が伸ばせるか)について相談しました。クラスメイトはいいアドバイスをしてくれました。私は今、クラスメイトのアドバイスを受け入れ、毎日ジャーナルを書くことと、Read Theoryという英語の文章が読めるサイトの英文を読むようにしています。クラスメイトと話せたのは短い時間でしたが、素晴らしい時間を過ごすことができ、私にとっていい機会だったと思います。







福山 未奈