

From NZ(Rei)


Hello, everyone! How have you been? I’m Rei from CHBC (Central Hawkes Bay College) as a year 12 student. I can’t believe that about nine months have already passed since I came to New Zealand. I’m really enjoying my New Zealand life with my host family and friends, so today I’m going to talk about my life in NZ.

First, I’m going to talk about my host family. I’m living in Waipukurau. It is such a small town. I’m living with my host father, mother, brother, two dogs and three cats. I also have four host sisters, but they are living in different places, so I only see them occasionally. They are so kind and funny and they are like my real family. I like to spend time with my host family.  For example, I enjoy talking, watching rugby and playing sports with them. They make me happy and we are always laughing.

Second, I’m going to talk about my best memory in New Zealand. I have so many memories with my host family and friends. But I’ve chosen one memory about school ball. It is one of the school events and it’s like a dance party. We need to wear a dress or a suit. Before the school ball, I went to my friend’s house to put on makeup and do my hair. It was a lot of fun. We talked so much and made dumplings. At the school ball, I was dancing and singing with my friends. It was amazing! We took so many photos. It was the first time in my life that I went to a party, so it was a very good memory.

Third, I’m going to talk about my friends. Fortunately, I was able to make friends on the first day of school. Her name is Libby. She is in the same mentor class as me and my first friend. She is nice and kind. During the interval on the first day, I had no idea what to do or where to go, but she found me, and she said to me, “I can’t leave you alone!” and then she took me to her group. My second friend is Kyla. She is a year 13 student, but we take tourism class together. My first class was tourism, and she talked to me, but now we are separated into different classrooms by grade, so I’m sad.  My third friend is Zyra. She and I take physics together. This is the most difficult class for me, so she always helps me.

I feel so blessed to be able to come to this town and attend this school. I’m so happy to be able to spend time with my wonderful host family and friends. I’d like to express my thanks to them. I’d like to spend the rest of the month without regrets. I would like to thank my parents for giving me this great opportunity to study abroad.

Thank you for reading.






最後に、私の友達についてお話しします。幸運なことに私は学校初日から友達を作ることができました。私の最初の友達はリビーという同じメンタークラスの子です。彼女はとても素敵で親切です。学校初日のインターバルの時間に、私はこの時間に何をすればいいのかどこに行けばいいのか何も分かりませんでした。しかし彼女がそのような私に気づいてくれ、「 あなたを一人にしておけない!」と言って彼女のグループに連れっていってくれました。私の2人目の友達はカイラです。彼女は13年生ですが私たちは同じ観光の授業を受けています。私の最初の授業が観光で、彼女が私に話しかけてきてくれました。しかし今は学年ごとにクラスが分かれてしまったので悲しいです。私の3番目の友達はザイラです。彼女は同じ物理の授業を受けています。私が受けている授業の中で一番難しいのがこの物理の授業です。だから私がわからない時に彼女はいつも助けてくれます。

