



Kiaora!  I’m Hitomi Aoike.  I go to Central Hawke’s Bay College with Hikaru.  It has already been 6 months since my NZ life started!  Time flies!!! (I’m sure most of my seniors must have said the same thing!)  I definitely enjoy my life in NZ.  I have experienced lots of new things.  Let me introduce my NZ life to you guys!

I’ll tell you about my host family.  There are my host mother and my host sister in my family.  Also, they have three dogs and two cats.  One of our dogs is a cute puppy and she came to our house after I started to stay here!  Her name is Buttons and she’s my host sister’s dog.  I sometimes sleep with her.  My host mother is very kind and lovely!  She always listens to me and gives me advice.  My host sister is 14 and she goes to the same school as me.  She has so many friends!  She is a little bit cheeky, but she’s my favourite!  I love them so much! 
Next, I’ll tell you about my school life.  I take Music, History, Art, Math, FTX, FNT and ESOL.  I like all of my subjects!  FTX is a sewing class and FNT is a cooking class.  In Music, I performed Japanese song called “9th of March” as a farewell song for an international student who is from Bolivia with other Japanese exchange students.  I’ve begun playing the flute and the trumpet!  I like to play the flute so much!  I had never played it before but my mum used to play it.  I take lessons at school and practice at home.  I’ve just started but fortunately I joined the school concert band the other day.  I’ll have a big musical house event called Fryer Cup in the next term and I’ll play the flute solo and duet.  
In FTX, I made my ball dress.  I had never made clothes in Japan, so I was worried if I would be able to finish making it.  Thanks to my teacher’s help, I finished making it beautifully.  I wasn’t really good at sewing, but now I have the confidence to sew.  Also, I’ve begun started crochet!  Crochet is different from knitting in that we use only one hook when we crochet.  My host mum’s friend teaches me how to crochet.  I made fingerless gloves and I’m making a blanket now.  
In FNT, we have a cooking practice once a week.  I’m pleased to have many chances to cook.  I didn’t cook in Japan but now I like cooking and baking very much!  I often make lasagna at home.  My international dean makes the best lasagna and she taught me how to make it.  It’s not easy to make lasagna, but my host family always says “Yum!” so I can’t stop making it!!! 
As you can see, there are many exciting things in my school life!  I’ve made good friends, so I want to establish better relationships with them.
My most favourite event I’ve ever experienced was the School Ball. It is a dance party and Year12 and Year13 students can come.  Everyone dressed up beautifully in the ball.  The hall was beautiful as well!  There were many colourful lights in the hall.  I wore the dress I made by myself!  I have many friends in Year13, so I enjoyed talking with them and dancing!  I didn’t like dancing, so I thought I couldn’t dance, but I definitely enjoyed dancing on that night!  I took many photos with my friends, too!  Japanese schools don’t have School Balls, so I was pleased to go to the ball in NZ. 
This is not about my school life, but I’ve started learning ballet.  I have wanted to learn it for a long time.  There is a ballet school in my town, so I go to that school on Mondays.  I’m in an adult class, and there are very nice ladies in my class!  I practice hard for the exam in August.
At last, I thank everyone who always supports me in Japan and in NZ.  Thanks to my family, teachers and so on, I’m enjoying my NZ life fully and doing my favourite things!  Thank you so much:-)  I’ll study English as much as I can in NZ. 
Thank you for reading!
こんにちは!青池瞳です。わたしはCentral Hawke’s Bay Collegeにひかると一緒に通っています。私のニュージーランドの生活が始まってから半年がたちました。時間が経つのが本当に早く感じます。(私たちの先輩もきっと同じことを言ってきたと思いますが!) 私はニュージーランドでの生活をとても楽しんでいます。新しいことをたくさん経験してきたので、その一部を紹介します! 
次に学校生活について話します。私は、音楽、歴史、美術、数学、FTX、FNT、ESOLを取っています。どの教科も好きなので、1番は選べません! FTXは裁縫、FNTは料理の授業です。 音楽の授業で、私は他の日本の留学生と一緒にレミオロメンの「3月9日」をボリビアからの留学生のお別れソングとして演奏しました。私はニュージーランドで新しく、フルートとトランペットを習い始めました。私はフルートを吹くことが好きです。今まで1度もフルートを習ったことはなかったけれど、私の母が以前フルートを吹いていました。習い始めたばかりですが、学校のコンサートバンドに入りました。学校で週に1回レッスンを受けて、家で練習しています。3学期には「Fryer Cup」という大きな音楽のハウスイベントがあり、私はフルートをソロとデュエットで演奏するので、今、一生懸命練習しています。 