



Hello everyone!  I’m Yukiko Nakaya.  I go to Otamatea High School, where you can find at least 10 sheep or cows before you meet some other people! LOL
I’d like to write about “mistakes.”   Tomoki, my homeroom teacher, asked me to write an essay like “My daily life in NZ”, but this is what I really want to tell everyone in Japan more than just to tell about my daily life.
First of all, I have to tell you what I was like in Japan.  I was QUITE an annoying girl.  For example, I rarely handed in the homework I hated, which was to correct my wrong answers on exams.  Whenever I was scolded for my bad behavior, I often didn’t listen to what my teachers were saying and said in my heart “How come you scold me?  You don’t know much about me.  I was too tired to do it.  There was nothing I could do about it!”  I must confess I knew my attitude negatively affected even my classmates, but I never apologized.  Also, I was afraid of making mistakes when I studied English because I didn’t want to look foolish by making mistakes.  I never tried to use English words when I was not sure of their meanings or how to use them.  (Still I made heaps of mistakes, though.  lol) 
Can you see a problem in my attitude?  I HATED admitting my mistakes and that I was wrong.  If I had the same personality now, I’d write “Hi everyone!!  How are you doing?  I’m alright and spending an AWESOME time! See you in November!” as if I had no problems.
However, I got the opportunity to fix myself up here in New Zealand.  One day night, suddenly I was seized with disquiet. “Can I really become a good speaker?” “It’s already April….am I really the person now who I had expected to become in Japan?” “What am I supposed to do?  I need to improve my English right now!” “My English hasn’t improved while other girls’ has!”  I also remembered other senior students and classmates who could speak English more fluently than me.  The thought upset me even more.  The next day, the anxiety was still with me.  So I cried at school…and I told my Kiwi friend what I had been thinking about since the previous night.  She told me “No one can improve something at the same pace as someone else, right?  Take your time, then you’ll be alright.” and gave me a hug.  Every single word and the hug relieved my anxiety.  Since that day, I feel less upset, and I’m not afraid of making mistakes because I am taking my time and going at my own pace.  I guess I just didn’t have inner reserves of strength to accept my mistakes.
Sometimes making mistakes can be really risky for people.  No one wants to get negative attention by making mistakes. I still feel hesitant to make mistakes.  However, since I’m in New Zealand, my duty is learning not only English but how to communicate beyond the boundaries of countries even if I make a lot of mistakes.  I’ll never be able to reach my goal without making mistakes. 
When I was in Japan, I thought that people scolded me because they didn’t know about me. At that time, a crooked nose named “I AM RIGHT” was growing in the center of my face and the crooked nose must have hit people around me.  Now I know I was wrong.  People scolded me because they actually KNEW about me.  Now the crooked nose has been broken.  What I have to do now is to grow my nose as straight as I can from scratch.  It might be the hardest thing for me and take a long long time, but I can definitely say that this discovery has been one of the biggest benefits in my life so far.
Dear my family, teachers in Jin-ai, my cheerful classmates in NZ, and Tomoki.  I don’t want to say “Sorry.” but rather “Thank you.”  You didn’t leave me alone even though I distracted and annoyed you, and you always kept trying to put me right.  I have realized how much you guys love me and how much I love you!!
By the way, do you know how painful it is if a crooked nose hits you? You must ask Tomoki or my parents!  They must know it better than anyone else!
Thank you for your reading.
私は”失敗”について書こうと思います。ともき先生(担任の先生) から’私のNZの生活’という内容で作文を書いてほしいと頼まれましたが、これから書くことは、それよりも日本の皆さんに伝えたいことです。
しかし、そんな私にも、ここ、ニュージーランドで自分自身を改める機会がありました。ある日の夜、私は突然不安に襲われました。”本当に英語をうまくしゃべれるようになるの?””もう4月・・・日本で想像していた自分に今なれてるの?””どうしよう。今すぐ英語を伸ばさなきゃいけない。””他の子は、こうしてる間にも英語力を伸ばしているのに。!” そして私は英語を私よりもはるかに流暢にしゃべる英留の先輩や友達を思い出しました。私は更に焦りました。次の日、不安は残ったままでした。学校でも泣いてしまいました。そして私は昨日からの不安をKIWIの友達に話ました。すると彼女は”他の人と同時に同じものを伸ばせる人なんていないでしょ?落ち着いて、きっとよくなるよ”と言ってハグをしてくれました。彼女の一つ一つの言葉とハグは私の不安を和らげてくれました。その日から、私は前のように焦らなくなり、失敗を前のように恐れないようになりました。なぜなら、自分のペースでやっているからです。前の私の心には、自分の失敗や間違えが入るような隙間さえなかったのでしょう。