



Hey, guys!! How are you?
I’m Asami. I’m a Jin-ai High School student and a Pompallier Catholic College student.?
I’ve been in New Zealand for half a year. I’m having a good time here. Nice to meet you★!
I’ll talk about my life in New Zealand.
My life in New Zealand is quite good for me because I always have plenty of time to relax. My school is 8:45 a.m. to 3:10 p.m. and my house is very close to Pompallier Catholic College, so that I’m at home at 3:20 after school. Listening to music on TV, cross stitch, cooking, and (of course) eating are my hobbies at present.?
I’m afraid I didn’t cook food for myself in Japan because my mother made breakfast, lunch and dinner for me. But I sometimes make dinner with my host family. My host sister taught me how to cook bacon & egg pie, so I can make it by myself now.?
I’m trying to make lots of different kinds of food, so I can cook them for my family one day! When I cook something with my host family or Kiwi friends at HSP(hospitality) which I’m taking at school, I can talk with them.?
That’s one of my reasons why I became interested in cooking. I also like cross stitch. I had never done it in Japan, so I tried it. I thought what fun!!! I’m making a Maori girl’s one. It’s getting near completion day by day.?
I realised that I can learn new words when I start new things. It’s a very good way for people studying English, isn’t it!?
I want to try new things more and more. Anyway, I can have many good experiences here, but I have many worries as well. For example, English (speaking, listening, writing and understanding), making friends, my weight and so on. Going overseas and studying there aren’t so easy.?
In my case, I got shocked about the big differences between my imagination and fact. I thought I could have fun without worries. It wasn’t true. Never mind!! But time has helped me.
I have no idea whether my English has improved or not. However, I have 4 months left and have many chances to improve my English. Ill try harder to study and do my best from now on. By the way, I think New Zealand is my second home especially?
Whangarei where I’m living now and my host family is a real family. When I go back to Japan, I’ll miss them.
Thank you so much for giving me such a wonderful experience, my family and Jin-ai HS. I’m proud of coming and spending time here.
Dear our juniors,?
I’m looking forward to meeting you at school one day back in Japan.
Thank you for reading my letter.
See you.
Best wishes, From Asami.
目下のところ、私の趣味は、テレビで音楽番組を見たり、調理をしたり、もちろん食べたりすることです。残念なことに、私が日本にいる時には自分で料理をすることはありませんでした。それは母が朝食をはじめ、学校へ持参するお弁当も、夕飯も全て作ってくれたからです。先日ホストシスターは私にベーコンエッグパイの作り方を教えてくれましたので、私は今それを独力で作っています。 様々な異なる食べ物に挑戦していますので、いつかホストファミリーに手料理をもてなしたいと思います。私が学校でとっているホスピタリティの授業でホストファミリーやキウイの仲間と調理する際には、みんなと愉快に会話もできます。それが私が料理に関心を持った理由です。