



I have been in New Zealand for about 4 months. Time files so fast, and at school.Term2 has already started. In Term1, I struggled to get used to my school. Its structure and customs are different from schools in Japan, so I was at a loss about what to do, at first.
At OHS(Otamatea High School),my?New Zealand?school, there are Year 7 to 13 students. I thought that all NZ schools were organized the same way, so when I heard about my friend’s school, I was surprised because it is different from my school. In many other schools, there are only Year 9 to 13 students.
During Term 1, I joined the KapaHaka group. It is traditional Maori songs and Haka(like fierce dances) that many NZ students learn, particularly Maori students. I practiced in the activity time once a week and I had weekend practice, too. The weekend practice, from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., was very hard, and I didn’t like it because some students didn’t come to the practice. I had to work very hard on formation, but when the students who had been absent joined the group again at activity time, the formation was changed. The songs and the movement was also hard to learn.
On the 16th April, I went to the Tai Tokerau Festival at which all schools in North Land perform KapaHaka. I wore the Otamatea KapaHaka uniform and put on make-up. The performance was superb. We all performed in unison. It was the best KapaHaka that I have ever done. Our principal, Mr. Hutching was very pleased.
Through belonging to the KapaHaka group. I learned Maori culture and, as well, I’ve made friends with group members. The practice was very hard, but I am glad that I’ve had such a wonderful experience.
When I came to?New Zealand, there were delightful things and hardships, too. Honestly, at times, I thought that I wanted to go back to Japan. But thanks to people who help me, I am beginning to cope and to enjoy life in?New Zealand. And I’m deeply grateful to my family who support me.
While I’m here, I’m doing my best to improve my English.
4月16日に私は、Tai tokerau Festival 行ってきました。そのフェスティバルでは、ノースランドにある学校がカパハカを発表しました。私はオタマティアのカパハカ衣装を着て、メイクもしました。私たちのパフォーマンスはとても素晴らしかったです。私たちは一致団結して踊りました。それは、私が今までに踊ったカパハカの中で一番の出来でした。私たちの校長、ミスター ハッチングもとても感動していました。カパハカグループの一員を経て、私はマオリ文化を学んだと同時に、グループのメンバーと仲良くなりました。練習はとても厳しかったけれど、私は素晴らしい経験ができてうれしかったです。