

From NZ(Runa)


Hello, everyone. I’m Runa from BBC (Bream Bay College). How have you been? More than 4 months have passed since I came to NZ. I can’t believe that I’m going to go back to Japan in just 5 months. I feel the time passes so fast. Today, I’m going to talk about my family and some memories so far. 

    First of all, I’ll talk about my family. I’m living in Mangapai with two host mothers and five dogs. Both my mothers are teachers. They always help me with my homework and teach me exactly and they tell me slowly and easily, so thanks to them I can finish my homework and learn more words. They are friendly and kind, so I really think that I’m happy to live with them. The dogs are small but they like to eat. When I come back home, they come in front of me! How pretty they are:) 

    From now on I’ll talk about my memories so far. 

    The first one is BBC Oscar, the ball. Of course, it is a good memory but the time when I practiced dancing also became a great memory for me. The dance practice started two weeks before the ball. At first, I didn’t know what I should do, but I tried to dance with freedom, and I enjoyed dancing with other students who I hadn’t known. Also, I think the friendship between me and my friend Jayde became better through the dance practice. She suggested we dance together and I enjoyed dancing with her. The ball was amazing. I took pictures with my friends and danced with them. There was some food and a photo booth. I thought it would be difficult to experience it in Japan. 

    Second, I’ll talk about the birthday party of one of my friends from The Philippines. Actually, I met some friends from The Philippines almost 2 months ago and they are so friendly, which is hard to believe. Almost all of them like anime and J-pop, so it’s fun for me to talk with them. Also, we talk about each other’s countries’ culture sometimes. I hope they enjoy talking with me, too. At the birthday party, we danced, sang, ate Filipino food, and took pictures, so I didn’t care about the time because it was so interesting. Actually, at first, I had a fear if it’s OK to join them because all of them are from the Philippines and I would be the only Japanese. However, my fear soon disappeared because they are kind. It was a wonderful birthday party and I hope they can come to my birthday party, too!!! 

    Through my life in NZ, I always feel the importance of family, my friends, and the people who support me in Japan. And I’ve realized that there are many important people and things around me. I appreciate their support. When I go back to Japan, I’d like to say “thank you” to them. To meet their expectations, I’ll try my best to have a fulfilling time in New Zealand with no regrets. I’m looking forward to seeing you guys in November:)  

Thank you for reading. 


皆さんこんにちは、瑠夏です。お元気ですか?私はBBC(Bream Bay College)に通っています。NZで生活し始めてから4ヶ月以上が経ちました。あと5ヶ月ちょっとしかNZで生活できないというのが嘘のようです。今日は、ホストファミリーとこれまでの思い出を書きたいと思います。 

まず始めに私のホストファミリーについてお話しします。私はNZのMangapai という地域にホストマザー2人と犬5匹と一緒に住んでいます。ホストマザーは2人とも先生で、私の宿題を手伝ってくれます。2人とも私のペースに合わせて教えてくれるのでとても分かりやすく、毎回助かっています。また、2人とも気さくで優しくて本当にいい人たちです。2人がホストマザーでよかったと思います。犬は5匹とも小型犬です。でも元気いっぱいで食べることが大好きな犬たちです。学校から帰ってくるといつも駆け寄ってきてくれます。私にとって癒し的な存在です。 


1つ目は、BBC Oscar,いわゆるボール(ダンスパーティー)です。ボール当日もいい思い出となりましたが、事前のダンス練習の時間も思い出です。ダンス練習はボールの2週間前ごろから始まりました。初めは何をするのかわからなくて混乱していましたが、場に身を任せて踊ってみたら場に馴染むことができました。また、このダンス練習を通してたくさんの人と交流できたなと思います。また、友達とより仲良くなれました。Jaydeという女の子がダンス練習の時毎回一緒に踊ろうと誘ってくれ、毎回一緒にダンス練習を楽しみました。当日は友達とたくさん写真を撮ったり、踊ったり、スイーツを食べたりと日本では経験できない事をたくさん経験できました。 


