

Maaya (NZからのメッセージ)


 Which is the perfect school life for you? A glamorous one in Japan or slow living in New Zealand? Hi guys! I’m Maaya Hashimoto and I’m in the 9th month now as a 12th Year “JK”, which means “high school girl” in Japanese. Are you wondering, “I want to study overseas, but I feel worried because I don’t really know about life in foreign countries”? Well, let me tell you three differences between Japanese JK and Kiwi JK from my experiences.
 Firstly, the first thing that comes to mind about high school life, would be the school uniform. As you know, we have two types of uniform in Japan: a sailor-style and a blazer style. Most of you wear a sailor-style uniform in your junior high school, don’t you? In contrast, in NZ, a blazer-style is the mainstream style. This style is much lighter than the Japanese one, and easier to put on and take off! You can choose a school blazer or a jacket in my high school, Hastings Girls High School (HGHS).
 Secondly, a must-have for school is a school bag! I used to use my school bag and backpack in Japan. On the other hand, all students in HGHS have only backpacks. When I heard this, I only half believed it, but actually one backpack is enough to go to school with in NZ! We have so many kinds of practical classes such as art or P.E. that we don’t need to bring a lot of textbooks or notebooks. That’s pretty chill, right? However, you have to move to the next class with your bag because you don’t have your own classroom. That’s a little bit annoying.
 Now, lastly, is lunchtime which is our favorite time at school! Basically, in Japan, everyone brings obento which is made by their mum, but students in NZ make their own lunch! My friends often bring sandwiches for lunch! …What? You forgot your lunch? All good! You can get something from the bakery in Jin-ai, and here at HGHS, there’s a cafeteria. Moreover, there’s a difference in how the students spend their lunchtime. They have 40 minutes in Jin-ai and enjoy chatting with friends after eating. In HGHS, they have to sit down and eat for the first 30 minutes and the latter half is free time. Many of them play sports such as netball and volleyball.
 So, with all that information, which one is your favorite? I would be happy if you found this interesting. For me, who wanted to enjoy both sides of the life in Japan and NZ, Eiryu course was perfect. Lots of exciting things is also waiting for you in NZ!
 Thank you for reading.
Maaya Hashimoto

 皆さんにピッタリなのは華やかな日本の高校生活?それともスローライフなニュージーランド?こんにちは!ニュージーランド生活9ヶ月目、12年生の橋本真碧です。留学をしてみたいけれど、海外の高校生活がどんなものかわからなくて不安!今回は、そんなあなたに日本とニュージーランドの両方で高校生活を送った私が「日本のJK VS ニュージーランドのJK」を紹介します!
 まず高校生活で思い浮かぶのは、毎日着る制服ですよね!皆さんも知っている通り、日本には2種類の制服があります。セーラー服とブレザーです。中学校ではほとんどの人がセーラー服を着ていたのではないでしょうか。対してニュージーランドではブレザータイプが主流になっています。日本の制服と違うところは、軽くて脱ぎ着がしやすいところです!私が通っているHastings Girls High School(以下HGHS)の制服は指定のブレザーかジャケットを選ぶことができます。
