



Hello, everyone!  I’m Eri.  I go to Otamatea High School.  My town is called Maungaturoto , and it is in the countryside.  There are a lot of farms and I love to see the animals.  Recently, a lot of cute baby sheep have been born.  My host family has 14 chickens as their pets, and 2 baby chickens were born the other day!!  I used to hate chickens, but I can touch the babies now!  I’m still scared of adult chickens…
First, I’m going to introduce my host family.  My host mother is Teresa.  She works at the office of my school.  She is very good at cooking, and I love her meals!  My host father is Paddy.  Paddy works at a school in Auckland as a music teacher.  Also, he is a musician.  He plays the drums in his band.  He lives in Auckland to work and he comes back home just on weekends.  There is a big drum set in the music room of my house.  I played the drums when I was a junior high school student, so I sometimes play the drums now.  He is very kind and when I have worries about my friends, he listens to my stories and gives me many pieces of good advice.  I have a host sister named Kate.  She is Year 11 student at Otamatea High School.  Also, she is my nice friend, too.  She loves watching movies and TV drama on a TV in her room.  She knows many interesting movies and we often watch movies together.  Watching movies with her is really fun!  We have a cat, three rabbits, a cockatiel and 14 chickens.  I love playing with the animals!
Next, I’ll talk about my school.  I take English, math, science, cooking, fashion and drama.  My favorite class is fashion.  I did sewing in Japan, but I couldn’t make clothes.  I can make my own clothes now!  I have made many clothes in the classes and finally I joined a fashion show in a school festival which is called “OTA Art Festival.”  I wore my dress which I made and walked like a fashion model in front of many people.  It was my first time to do that, so I was very nervous before the show started.  My fashion teacher introduced me and my dress while I was walking on the runway.  It was a very special experience for me.  In drama class, I performed “Puss in Boots” with my drama classmates.  It was very hard to remember my lines in English.  My character was a maid of the princess called Lavena. We performed the drama four times.  I didn’t make any mistakes!  When someone made mistakes, other members covered them and I was impressed!  All the members’ hearts were united through the hard practices.  I love my drama classmates!  After the show, some audience members talked to me. They said “You were beautiful!”, ”You were really good!” and “Good job!” to me.  I was very glad to hear those comments.
Finally, I’m going to talk about myself.  When I was in Japan, I didn’t know how difficult it would be to make friends with Kiwi students.  Some kiwi students are friendly to me, but there are many students who are not.  When I was trying to make friends, I talked to a girl.  I spent some time with her, but one day, I saw her in front of the hall talking with her Year12 sister.  They didn’t notice me.   I overheard them talking accidentally.  Her sister said “How’s Eri?” and then, she answered,“ I don’t like her because she’s not funny.”   Then, her sister noticed me and I ran away.  I was very shocked.  I went to see my other Kiwi friends.  I talked about what the girl said and my feelings.  I said, “Nobody likes me because I’m not funny!”  Then, one of my friends, Gabriela, said, “I like you!  I’m your friend!  You are such a lovely girl.” and she gave me a hug.  I couldn’t stop crying because I was so glad!  I found the true meaning of” friend.”  I’ve made fantastic friends in NZ.  I’ll never forget about them.  I’m really happy to come and stay in NZ for a year.  I have spent such a wonderful year!  I love my host family, friends, teachers and this country, New Zealand!!  Thank you for reading.
Big Love,
まず始めに、私のホストファミリーを紹介します。ホストマザーの名前はトリーザです。彼女は私の学校で事務員として働いています。彼女はとっても料理が上手で、私はトリーザのご飯が大好きです。ホストファザーの名前はパディといいます。パディはオークランドの高校で音楽の先生として働いています。そして、彼はミュージシャンでもあります。彼はバンドを組んでいて、ドラムを叩いています。パディは仕事の都合で平日はオークランドに住んでいて、週末だけ家に帰ってきます。私の家の楽器部屋には大きなドラムが置いてあって、私は中学の部活でドラムをしていたので、ときどきドラムを叩かせてもらいます。彼はとても優しくて、私が学校の友達のことで悩んでいた時も私の話を聞いてくれて、多くのいいアドバイスをくれました。私にはケイトというホストシスターがいます。ケイトはオタマティア高校の高校1年生です。彼女は私の大切な友達の一人でもあります。  ケイトは彼女の部屋にあるテレビで映画やドラマを見るのが大好きです。彼女はおもしろい映画をたくさん知っているので、私もよく一緒に映画を見ました。彼女と映画を見るのはとても楽しいです。家には猫が1匹、ウサギが3匹、オカメインコが1羽、ニワトリが14匹います。私はペットたちと遊ぶのが大好きです。 
次に、学校について話したいと思います。私は国語、数学、理科、クッキング、ファッション、ドラマの授業をとっています。私の好きな授業はファッション(裁縫)です。日本でも裁縫は趣味でしていましたが、自分の服を作る事はできませんでした。しかし今では自分の服を自分で作れるようになりました。私はこの授業でたくさんの服を作って、最終的には「オタマティア アートフェスティバル」という学校の行事でファッションショーに出演しました。私はたくさんの人の前を自分で作った洋服を着て、モデルのように歩きました。そんな経験は初めてだったので、ショーの始まる前はとても緊張しました。私が歩いている間、ファッションの先生が私の事と、私の作った洋服について観客に説明してくれました。このファッションショーはとても特別な体験になりました。 ドラマの授業では、ドラマのクラスメイトと「長靴を履いた猫」の舞台をやりました。英語でセリフを覚えるのはとても大変でした。私は、お姫様の世話係で「ラビナ」という名前の役でした。私達はその舞台を4回上演して、私はセリフを忘れたり、間違えたりしませんでした!誰かがセリフを飛ばした時には、周りのメンバーでそれをカバーしていて、とても感動しました。きつい練習を共にして、クラスメイトの心が一つになったと思います。私はドラマのクラスメイトが大好きです!公演が終わった後、何人かの観客が私に「あなた綺麗だったね!」「すごく良かったよ!!」「お疲れ様!」 などと話しかけてくれました。私はその感想を聞いてすごく嬉しくなりました。 