



Hi, guys! How have you been? It’s Akiho from Pompallier Catholic College. Time flies so fast, so we only have a month left to be here. I suffered and cried a lot at first, but I’m really enjoying my life in NZ, which is more laid-back than that in Japan, with my host family and friends now. Today, I’d like to share my life here.
First, let me talk about my lovely host family. I have a dad, mom, older brother, older sister and younger sister as my host family, the Harris Family. When I feel sad or have a hard time, they always give me big hugs and advise me as my ally. My host dad, Tim, is kind to everyone and dependable. He is also naughty as he always enjoys watching my reaction to surprise me and he took me for a drive during a power outage. My host mom, Pauline is devoted to us and she is responsible. She makes delicious dinner, so I always eat too much, haha. My host brother named Sam lives in Auckland because of his job and we can see each other sometimes, but he’s always kind to me. My older host sister named Olivia and I can also see each other once or twice a week because she works at night. However, she is the closest to my age in my host family, so I often consult my feelings with her and she advises me. My younger host sister named Rebecca is also one of my classmates, so we are together most in my host family. She does things at her own pace and way, but she is a friendly and sociable person. She is one of the people who I admire and want to be like. Memories with my host family such as fishing, driving and my birthday party are so special to me. I really appreciate being able to meet them.
Second, I’m going to talk about my school life. I attend Pompallier Catholic College. I’m Year 10 and I’m taking English, Math, Science, Social Studies, RST, PE, Health, Sewing and ESOL. Almost all my friends around me are younger than me, so I couldn’t get used to it easily. I was worried about making friends and cried so much. I argued with my friends, too. However, I could get along with them more than before thanks to telling our feeling to each other. When I consulted them, some of them cried and advised me. From hugging each other every morning to telling “I love you” to each other – I didn’t think that I would have such a good friendship with my friends, so I’m so happy about that. I’m sad to leave my friends soon, but I really want to make memories more with them.
These nine months were a good chance to face myself seriously without my family in Japan and it’ll be the most memorable experience in my life. I’ll keep doing my best to tell you about my efforts when I go back to Japan. I appreciate people who believe me and support me such as my family and teachers from the bottom of my heart. I’m looking forward to seeing you in about one month. Thank you for reading this.


 まず、私の愛しいホストファミリーについて話しましょう。私のホストファミリーは、父、母、兄、姉、そして妹です。私が悲しい時、辛い時、彼らはいつもハグをし、私の味方になってアドバイスをしてくれます。父は誰にでも優しく、頼りになります。私を驚かし反応を見て笑っていたり停電中にドライブに行こうと言い出したり可愛らしいところもあります。母は家族思いで、しっかりしています。彼女の作る料理はとても美味しくいつも食べすぎます(笑) 兄は仕事上、オークランドに住んでいるのでたまにしか会えませんがとても優しく接してくれます。姉も夜にバイトがあり週に2,3回しか会えませんが、歳が一番近いこともありよく相談に乗ってくれます。妹は私のクラスメイトでもあり、家族の中で一番一緒にいる時間が多いです。マイペースですが社交的で、私がお手本にしている人の一人です。ホストファミリーとの思い出は釣りやドライブ、誕生日会など私にとってとても特別なものばかりです。彼らに出会えたことを感謝しています。
 次に学校生活について話します。私はポンパリエカトリックカレッジに通っています。私は10年生(日本の中学三年生)の教室に入っていて、英語、数学、理科、社会、宗教、体育、保健、裁縫、ESOL(留学生専用の英語の授業)を取っています。周りの友達はほぼ年下なので、最初は慣れず戸惑いもありましたし、一番友達づくりに悩み泣きました。喧嘩もしました。しかし、ぶつかり合えたことでより仲良くなれ、素を見せられるようになったと思います。私が相談した時は私のために泣いてくれた子もいました。毎朝ハグをし合ったり、“I love you”と言い合ったり、こんなにも深い関係になれると思っていなかったのでとても嬉しいです。みんなともう少しでお別れだと思うと悲しいですが、もっとみんなと思い出を作りたいです。
