



Hi, guys! I’m Hitomi. I go to Central Hawke’s Bay College with my great partner, Miyu. The temperature in New Zealand is getting lower, but on the contrary my weight is going up…Anyway! The time passes so quickly. I can’t believe this month is June. 
At the end of May, Stage Challenge was held. Through the competition, I had such amazing experiences, so I will write about them.
At first, let me tell you a bit more about Stage Challenge. It is a dance competition battled between schools with acting and performing varieties of dances; hip-hop dances, classic ballet, contemporary dance, mime etc. I joined a group as a contemporary dancer. More than 100 people applied for the competition. Among them, the number of contemporary dancers was only seven people including me. They have really nice expressiveness and skills, so I was stimulated by their performances.   We started practicing in March. We spent the interval, lunch time and even the time after school for the practice. I’ve learned classic ballet for 13 years in Japan, but I had never danced contemporary dance before the Stage Challenge. So, it was a good experience for me.
My school’s theme was “NO MORE”.  The story was about refugees fleeing from their country, but killed by terrorists in the end. Ultimately, we wanted to tell the audience, “Why don’t we have peace?”  In the scene where some refugees fled with boats from the country, I performed “stormy sea” with other dancers. One of the main characters died in this scene, so we couldn’t dance with smiles. 
On the day of actual performance, I was so excited. In the morning, the contestants gathered in the venue and held an opening ceremony for easing off our tension and deciding program-turns by a draw. After that, we had rehearsals. Each school could do run-through three times with the music on the stage. During the run-through, I terribly failed my solo part twice. Soon, I got nervous and felt impatient. Before the last rehearsal, my friends said to me, “You don’t seem to be yourself. Everyone knows you are a very good dancer, so you should have confidence!” Thanks to the words, I succeeded the solo part at last. After the rehearsal, we changed into our costumes and made up our faces. What we tried to express was “the sea”, so our makeup was blue. Even my hair was painted blue with spray! When we moved to the back stage, I was dying to dance quickly. Then, on the stage, we made the best performance as ever. In addition, we got 2nd prize and many extra prizes!! 
Next I’d like to tell about a hardship. Actually, in term 1, I faced a problem about friends. I had friends who I could spend the interval and lunch time together with but I couldn’t deepen the relationship. I just didn’t know why I couldn’t and what I should do, so to be honest, my life during term1 was very hard. 
I really thought about this issue during the long term-holiday, and thereby I realized why I was in a trouble. The main cause was “my mind.” I was too afraid of making mistakes because I thought I would lose my friends if I make mistakes. But I speak English as the second language, so it is no wonder my English isn’t perfect. I’ve been frequently told from my teachers that, “Making mistake is not bad”, but I didn’t believe that. I know everybody (including myself in the past) wants to keep mistakes to a minimum, but I can say now that we learn heaps of things through the mistakes. Furthermore, I won’t forget what I learned easily if I learned it from the mistakes. If I think in this way, making a mistake is not a scary thing at all. 
From term 2, I changed the way of my thinking and attitude to my friends. Now I’m enjoying chatting with my friends and the relationship has definitely become better. I think it was important for me to suffer from the problem. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have tried to change myself. If you think making mistake is bad or scary, please remember my story and start challenging without being afraid.
I appreciate that my parents gave me the chance to study abroad and have kept supporting me. I have only 5 months before I go back to Japan. I think I can change myself more than now in even just 5 months because I could change myself in a half year. My growth won’t stop….and my weight as well… 
Thank you for reading my essay.                         
私の学校のテーマは「NO MORE」です。自分たちの国から逃げてきた難民の話で、最後にはテロリストにより殺されてしまいます。私たちが観客に伝えたかったことは、「どうして平和にならないのか?」です。難民が国から避難し船で漂流するシーンで、私は仲間と一緒に「嵐の海」を演じました。主要な登場人物の一人がそのシーンで亡くなるので、踊りの間は笑顔を見せてはいけませんでした。