



My school life in New Zealand
Hello everyone! How are you? I’m a bit sad because I have to go back to Japan soon. To tell the truth, I don’t want to go home actually. I want to live here! haha ( I’m sorry to my family and friends…) Just because I’ve got lots of friends and extremely perfect host family.
It was term three July to September and that was the busiest term because we had los of events in term three. I was so busy but I had lots of fun!
We had the school ball in term three. Do you know what that is? It is like a dance party to say simply. In our school, year 11 to year 13 can go to the school ball and dance! Some students went there with their friends, other students went with their boyfriend/ girlfriend. We can wear anything except PJ, mufti or something like that. My friend Anastasia went to the school ball with my host brother who is her boyfriend. She wore a Japanese kimono and she looked beautiful!! I went with Yui and I wore a black dress which has white dots on it. It was a cute dress but I’ve been fat so…. 🙁 Anyway, I danced with my friends. I actually could not dance well because in Japan we don’t have many parties and we don’t dance very much. So I didn’t know how to dance but now, I can dance a bit. But it is broken dance, you know what I mean? I think it is one of the difficult things when you go to New Zealand. So you should practice before you go! hahaha
Our school has cabaret sometimes which is like a small show where students play instruments, sing and perform drama. I had joined on three times. The first cabaret was called “French cabaret”. Yui, my friends and I took part in fashion show and we wore the dresses which we wore at the school ball. I have never done a fashion show before so I did not know how to walk beautifully. (I’m not sure that I can do that now…haha) we practiced everyday at lunch time. The teacher who thought us how to walk said to us” you should have confidence!” but I did not have confidence because I was not sure how I looked to the audience. (…and the other girls were cuter than me! OMG! haha) On the day, I tried to walk slowly and beautifully. I did it and it was over so I don’t mind! 🙂 hahaha
The second cabaret was for year12. I’m sorry I don’t know what it was called. A year12 girl invited me and Catherine to play the violin on the stage. We played “Nocturn”. It was composed by Chopin. You should check it out on Youetube if you don’t know that. It’s really beautiful. We had practiced for about five weeks every Friday at lunch time. I can’t read music and neither can Catherine so we had to remember all notes by ear and fingers. It took a bit long time because she also composed harmonies which she is good at. One day she trying to teach me how to make harmonies, but couldn’t do that well. I respect her a lot! 🙂 haha we talked about what we wear and she tolled me she has heaps of dresses. She loaned one of them to me! It was a long, light blue dress which looked sooooo beautiful. I asked her “Where did you get it from?” and she answered “I made it!” What!? It just looked like an expensive dress. I thought she has got abilities in music and sewing then. What a wonderful girl she is! :O Anyway, we performed successfully with no mistakes and the audience gave us much applause. I was so happy because I could wear a beautiful dress, I could play with Catharine and finally our efforts were paying off. That was really good!
The third cabaret was sooo good. It was also my last cabaret in NZ. I played the violin twice in the cabaret. First, I played two pieces of Gypsy music with Catherine and Ben wearing Gypsy clothes! 🙂 I made some mistakes because we started practicing only one week before the cabaret. I didn’t have enough time to practice! (Is that an excuse? Haha)But is over, I don’t mind!! Then I ran to the bathroom to change the dress. When I got backstage, a man had already introduced us, “instrument club”. I had to get on the stage first but I forgot to take my music. So I ran and grabbed it and ran back on the stage! I dropped my violin shoulder pad while I was running. OMG! I wanted to put it back before I got on the stage but I didn’t have time. So I was putting it back on while I was walking on stage. Oh, wait! I nearly fell over on the stage stairs because I was wearing a long dress and my hands were full so… What a shame! 😀 I had one more accident that is my contact lenses were dry! So I couldn’t see the music. (What a hell!!) But fortunately my fingers remembered all the notes. That was my last cabaret! HahaI will never forget it. 🙂 I thought I have changed a little bit compared with when I was in Japan, because when I was in Japan if I made some mistakes I would feel bad for a whole day. But now I don’t mind very much. I’m gust proud I did my best and I played with my friends! 🙂
Hey, listen! I got merit on a biology exam. Yee-haw!:D That exam was about genetics. I lealned it last year at Jinai and I’m good at that! Haha But to tell the truth, I forgot most of the genetics. (What a hell!) So I studied it again but it was more difficult in English. It was so hard because I needed to understand all the questions and answer them in English. Some questions needed the answer to be explained such as “How it become?” something like that. When I came here, I didn’t know how to answer. I knew the answer but I just couldn’t write the explanation because I’m not good at English. It also affected my confidence. I can now answer those questions better than when I came here. I wrote a funny answer. My friend Kane told me that I made up a new word. haha 🙂 when our science teacher returned exam papers to us, I realized I had received a merit and I said “Oh, I got merit!”. Then kane said “Show me, yumi” and I passed my exam paper to him. He laughed and he said to me” You’ve got a funny answer! It’s not a word. You made up a new word!” and he took his pen and wrote “not a word” above my funny answer. I don’t know why I wrote “perpotence”. What is that? Where did it come from!? How funny! 😀 When I came home I told my host parents I got merit instantly. I also called my mum. On that night, the dessert was a chocolate cake! Yay!!
Matthew is my best friends and he is interested in Japan. He is also enthusiastic about studying Japanese. One day, he told me he sometimes studies Japanese for five hours. Do you study English for five hours? Studying other language is really hard, eh? His method of study is like this. He asks me my favorite Japanese songs and he downloads them into his ipod. Then he listens to them and writes the words of songs in Japanese. Finally, he shows me them. They are mostly correct every time. He teaches me English pronunciation. One day he told me my “L” pronunciation was weird. So I asked him how I can practice that. He told me “La la la la la” like singing. But it’s still difficult for me _ Well… you will know what I mean when you go to NZ! 😀
The other day I went to beach with him and his family. That was so much fun! I was sitting next to him on the beach and he made a small pile of sand on my head. I didn’t notice at first but when he patted it down, my face and head were so sandy. He said to me “Hi dirty girl!” I did the same thing to him and I said to him “Hi dirty boy!” We laughed. Anyway, we went home with sandy heads. When I took a shower, the sand was every where in the shower room… haha…
How does my school life sound like? Some students who are not good at English (like me) might be in your class. But don’t worry! You will have a good time in NZ because I’m having a good time! In fact my English exam score was not good when I was in Japan and I couldn’t write sentences like these until recently. I also still there are many words don’t know. But I started writing diary and my writing skill consistently improves. The first time I only wrote one third of a page. But now, I can write five or six pages or more if I want to. Everyday is not a good day. Sometimes I’m really depressed and lose my confidence but this is life! haha I’m pretty sure you guys will be able to grow up a lot next year like I have grown up! haha!
私たちの学校には楽器を演奏したり、歌を歌ったり、演劇のパフォーマンスをしたりするちょっとしたショーをするようなキャバレーがときどき開催されます。私は3回参加しました。最初のキャバレーは「フレンチ キャバレー」と呼ばれていました。私は、唯衣と私の友だちと一緒にファッションショーに参加して、スクールボールの時に着たドレスを着ました。私は今まで一度もファッションショーをしたことがなかったので、美しい歩き方が分かりませんでした。(今もできるかどうか自信がありません。ハハ…)私たちはランチタイムに毎日練習しました。歩き方を教えてくれた先生には、「自信を持ちなさい!」と言われました。しかし、どんな風に観客の目に映るかわからなかったので、自信を持てませんでした。(そして、他の女の子たちは私よりもかわいい!オー、マイ、ガー!ハハ…)。その日、私はゆっくりと美しく歩くように心がけました。私はやり遂げて、終ったことなので気にしません。ハハハ…
2回目のキャバレーは12学年のものでした。ごめんなさい、キャバレーの何と呼ばれていたか知りません。12学年のある女の子が私とキャサリンをステージでヴァイオリンを弾くように誘ってくれました。私たちはショパンが作曲した「ノクターン」を演奏しました。もし知らなければ「You Tube」でチェックして下さい。本当に美しい曲です。私たちは約5週間、毎週金曜日のランチタイムに練習しました。私は楽譜を読めないし、キャサリンも読めないので、私たちは耳と指で音符を覚えなければなりませんでした。彼女は得意なハーモニーの組み立てもしたので、ちょっと時間がかかりました。ある日、彼女が私にハーモニーの作り方を教えようとしてくれましたが、私にはうまくできませんでした。私は彼女をすごく尊敬します。ハハ…。私たちは着ていく服の相談をし、彼女はドレスがたくさんあると私に教えてくれました。そのうちの一つを私に貸してくれました!とても長くて、と〜ってもきれいなライトブルーのドレスでした。私は彼女にそのドレスをどこで手に入れたのか聞くと、彼女は「自分で作った」と答えました。えっ、とても高そうなドレスに見えるのに!?彼女は音楽と裁縫の才能を持っているんだと思いました。なんてワンダフルな女の子なんでしょう!とにかく、私たちはミスなくパフォーマンスを成功させることができ、観客からたくさんの拍手をもらいました。私はきれいなドレスを着ることができたので、とても幸せでした。私はキャサリンと演奏することができ、ついに私たちの努力は報われました。本当に素敵なことです。
 マシュウは私のベストフレンドで日本に興味があります。また日本語の勉強に熱中しています。ある日、彼はときどき日本語を5時間勉強していると言いました。あなたは英語を5時間勉強しますか?他の言語を勉強するのは本当に大変です、そうですよね?彼はこんな風に勉強しています。彼は私の好きな歌を聞いて、iPodにダウンロードします。それを聞きながら歌詞を日本語で書きます。最後に、それを私に見せます。それらはいつもほとんど正確です。彼は私に英語の発音を教えてくれます。ある日彼は私の「L」の発音が変だと教えてくれました。それで、彼にどうやって練習したらいいのか尋ねました。彼は、歌うように「La la la la la」を教えてくれました。しかし、それは今でも私にとっては難しいです。(たぶん、みなさんがニュージーランドに行ったとき、私の言っていることの意味が分かると思います)。_別の日に、私は彼と彼の家族とビーチに行きました。とても愉快でした。私はビーチで彼の隣に座ったとき、彼は私の頭の上に小さな砂山をつくりました。私は最初気づかなかったけれど、彼がそれをたたいて落としたとき、私の顔と頭は砂だらけになりました。彼は私に「やぁ、きたない少女」と言いました。私は彼に同じことをし、「やぁ、きたない少年」と言いました。私たちは笑いました。結局、私たちは砂だらけの頭で家に帰りました。シャワーを浴びたとき、シャワールームが砂だらけになりました。ハハ…。