



Hello everyone. How are you? I am Miho Naito. I go to Te Awamutu College. It has been almost 4 months since I arrived in New Zealand. I am getting used to New Zealand life and am having a great time here. I’ve never felt homesick in New Zealand because I’m tough lol! The truth is that my host family is nice. They are very kind to me. I don’t want to go back to Japan!!! But I sometimes miss Japan and my family. I thank my parents now because I am having a nice time and am trying new things. It is a precious time for me.
Now, I will tell you about my days off from school. I go to SPCA with my host family. Do you know SPCA? It stands for “Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals”. There are many poor cats and dogs. I clean the cat cages and give them some food there. It was so hard at first because there were too many cats and it was not easy to clean their cages. It made me tired. But those animals didn’t choose to be there. I think there are some reasons, for example their masters couldn’t take care of them. So I do it now. I don’t want to stop doing it because the cats are so cute. I hope to become an aid with the cats with the SPCA staff.
One day my host sister, Courtney bought a SPCA cat. The cat is a boy and has black fur. His name is Macavity. When he came to my house, he ran all around my house. Then Courtney said, ”He never ran in SPCA”. SPCA’s cages are not big and the cats don’t have enough space to run. I wish the cats in SPCA could run. I hope that all the cats will be happy.
Dear Eiryu 1nensei
Welcome to Eiryu. How are you? Eiryu is a very good course. Please enjoy talking English with John, David and Natasha. New Zealand is a lot of fun. Do everything you can do now. Don’t miss out an opportunity. Don’t be too scared to try new things and keep practicing English:) I’m very looking forward to meeting you guys. Thank you for reading. I’ll see you soon.
From Miho
皆さん、こんにちは!初めまして。内藤美穂です。私はTe Awamutu College(テ アワムツ カレッジ)に通っています。私がニュージーランドに着てからもう4ヶ月が経ちました。だんだんニュージーランドの生活にも慣れつつあり、充実した時間を過ごしています。私はニュージーランドで一度もホームシックになっていません、なぜなら私はタフだからですlol!本当は私のホストファミリーがとてもナイスだからです。彼らは私にとても親切です。私は日本に帰りたくない!!!しかし、ときどき日本や家族を恋しく思います。私は今、私の両親にとても感謝しています。それは、充実した時間を過ごしたり、新しいことにトライしたりすることができているからです。それは、私にとってとても貴重な時間です。
From 美穂