



Hello, everyone!! Are you interested in studying abroad?? Come and join us!! Don’t be afraid of it!! It is such a valuable experience!! You may be scared and yes, it is a hard life compared with the normal high school life. It is really, very hard to be different from the others, but after the study abroad, you will be much more independent and grown up and also have a huge outlook about everything. I would say those three will be what you definitely develop through this study. In my case, this made me reconsider what it is to be an Asian.
Have you ever considered it?? I had been always wanting to be a European in Japan. Why, they’re so beautiful with their blond hair and have the lovely figures. Of course, one of the reasons that I decided to come to NZ is to develop my English, but I also wanted to make lots of European friends. Well, as soon as I started to go to school here, that opportunity seemed to be lost. Everyone was unfriendly to Asians and being mean for no reason. All Asian students were gathered in one particular place and just hung out together without speaking English. For me, it was a huge shock. What on earth is the use of this study abroad??! It is just a waste of time and money, I thought. I didn’t want to be like them so I tried to stay away from my Asian friends, but then, there were a lot of discrimination against Asians. It was really understandable why others stay with just Asians. It is their problem that they don’t try at all, but kiwi students don’t give them any chance to try. I guess it is too hard to understand it for people who have never had such an experience. Even in ESL(English as a Second Language) classes, some European exchange students have a lot of prejudice against Asians. They think they are much more intelligent than Asians. Even if we study very, very hard and have a high English knowledge, they still have the prejudice just because their own languages are similar to English. Kiwi students accept European students easily, but we, Asian students are different from them (for some reason…). We are never accepted as the same. I really don’t see what makes kiwi students think Asians are annoying. Is that because of our black hair styles, different faces or our figures?? It is so ridiculous.
However, it is not all students. I looked around me very carefully and could see a lot of friendly, nice kiwis and not always the girls. I tried to talk to them again and again. Even if the chat stopped, I still tried to make the conversation. Sometimes I failed. Sometimes I succeeded. It didn’t matter to make a mistake. I just needed to try and try!! It really is unfair that a lot of kiwis accept Europeans more than Asians, but I realised having the disadvantage makes me stronger so I started to think I was lucky to be an Asian. There is no use complaining about that because there is nothing to do with it. You cannot be a European, can you?? Since I changed my mind, I started to enjoy my everyday life. How easy is that?? A lot of friends greet and smile at me everyday. Even in my science class that I used to hate, I’ve got many friends. In my school bus?? No worry!! Most friends are very nice to me. I even made a best friend at school. When I’m sad, she always cheers me up. When I don’t have my own lunch, she buys me one. When she finds me in the crowd, she runs to me with her big, pretty smile and gives me a big hug and she always helps me to make some more friends as well as having a lot of fun. Without her, my NZ school life might no longer be as happy as this.
I’m sorry that this is getting longer and longer, but I want to tell you some more!!
Last term, there was an event called “Culture Week.” My Japanese friend and I decided to represent Japan. We wore YUKATA and made ourselves up nicely. On the stage, we behaved in a traditional way. We sat nicely and bowed slowly and elegantly. We were expecting the students to show bad manners and behaviour, but unexpectedly, a lot of students bowed with us and they gave us a huge cheering. Afterwards, many people came to us and said “You guys were awesome!!” “I loved your dresses very much,” “Honestly, I love Japan,” and so on… We were full of joy. I will NEVER forget it!! Next day, because of all this excitement, I caught the flu so sadly I couldn’t enjoy the rest of the week.
I suppose this is how I’ve changed enormously in NZ. I had never been attracted by Japanese culture in Japan. I had never liked my black straight hair style. I had never been confident to be an Asian. There will be still a lot of discrimination in my life when I go and work in a foreign country, but I will never be less-confident to be an Asian and of course to be Japanese. I thank my parents, who gave birth to me as Japanese. I now do love the way I am. I’m much more confident than before!!
Through this program, you will be quite likely to come across a lot of hard times rather than happy times, but the harder problems you get over, the more you grow up and learn inner strength and character. Studying English is the same. Without getting through the wall of language at school, I wouldn’t have learnt much like this. Well, of course, I’ve still got a lot to work with. I’m sure there is no one who cannot enjoy it. I believe that each of us has unlimited possibility. You can do it!! Now, let’s enjoy studying English together with us!! I’m longing for you to join us soon!!!
Thank you for reading it. That will be my pleasure if it helped you to make your decision or imagine how studying English over here is like.
いままでに自分がアジア人であるということについて深く考えたことがありますか??日本にいたとき私はいつでもヨーロッパ人になりたがっていました。だってヨーロッパ人はブロンドの髪をもっていてすごく美人で、おまけにスタイルまでいい!! (そうじゃない??)もちろんこっちに来た理由の1つは英語力をうんと伸ばすこと。でもヨーロッパ人の友達をたくさん作るということもまた1つの理由でした。でも、学校に行き始めてすぐに、そんな目標は打ち消されたようでした。ニュージーランドの生徒はみんなアジア人に友好的ではなく、理由なしに嫌な態度をとっていました。アジア人の留学生はみんな1つの場所に集まって、ただその狭い世界の中で英語を使わずにアジア人同士でつるんでいました。私にとって、それはおおきな衝撃でした。一体何が目的でここで英語を勉強してるの??こんなのただの時間とお金の無駄遣いじゃない!!?私はそんなふうに1年を無駄にしたくなかったので、アジア人のいないところにいるように努力しました。でもそこで出会ったのはアジア人に対する偏見や差別ばかりでした。私の友達がアジア人だけでかたまっているのも理解できることでした。トライしない私たちアジア人もアジア人ですが、その機会を与えてくれない生徒も生徒です。このような経験をしたことがない人たちには理解しがたいことなのかもしれません。またESLクラス(留学生のためのレッスン)の中でさえも、ヨーロッパからの留学生は、アジア人に対してのたくさんの偏見をもっています。自分たちは私たちアジア人よりもよっぽど頭がいいと思っているのです。私たちがどんなに一生懸命勉強して、高い英語力をもっていたとしても、それでもその偏見から逃れられることはできません。ただヨーロッパの留学生の母国語が英語に似ているという理由だけからです。同じようにニュージーランドの生徒もヨーロッパからきた留学生を簡単に受け入れますが私たちアジア人はちがいます。私たちが彼らと同じように受け入れられることはまったくありません。何が彼らをアジア人はうっとうしいと思わせるのか私にはまったくわかりません。黒いまっすぐな髪のせいなのか、違った構成の顔なのか、それとも、私たちの体型なのか。こんなの納得いかない!!ばかげてる !!
ところが、これは全ての生徒というわけではありません。まわりをよくみてみるとたくさんのフレンドリーで優しい生徒もみえてくるのです。でもそれはいつでも女の子というわけではありません。何度も何度もたくさんの人に話しかけました。たとえ会話が止まっても、自分から会話を作り出す努力をつづけました。それが友達に発展しないときも、発展したときももちろんありました。失敗することなんて気にしなくてよかったんです。ただ何度も何度もトライすればよかったんです。こっちの生徒はアジア人よりもヨーロッパ人のほうがよく受け入れるなんて本当に本当に不公平。でも不利な条件があることが私をもっと強くするということに気がついて、アジア人でいることが幸運であると思うようになりました。アジア人の自分を変えることなんてできないんだから、不公平だって文句いってたってなんの得もないでしょう??考え方を変えてからは、毎日の生活を楽しめるようになりました。本当に簡単じゃない?? 今では、毎日たくさんのニュージーランドの子が声をかけてくれたり、笑顔で挨拶してくれます。前は大嫌いだった理科のクラスでも、今ではほとんどの子が友達!!スクールバス??全く問題なし♪ほとんどの子が優しくてフレンドリーです。そしてなによりも親友までできました!!私が悲しいときは励ましてくれるし、私がお昼ご飯をもってないときは買ってくれるし、人ごみの中で私を見つけると、かわいい笑顔で走ってきて私に抱きついてきます。最近では2人で(ランチタイムに)楽しむのはもちろん、私の友達作りを手伝ってまでくれます。彼女なしでは、私のニュージーランドでの学校生活はこれ以上楽しくならなかったかもしれませんね。